I got a DM on insta asking if I was interested in the function of final art on this calendar for Faktum. I said yes. Of course. Knowing that all my earlier collaboration with the people at the Bond did go smooth and efficient. Team: Nathalie González project manager, Nicklas Hultman creative director, Therése Bohlén Kinn creative lead and copywriter, Jonatan Fernström photographer and me as Final art. The project led to more knowledge on my part of strret paper faktum and its sellers. I visited the office at Chapmans torg ans spoke to personel and sellers for a long time. This was by far the most fun assignment in 2022 and the one I am most proud of.
The calendar was nominated for the Publishing prize 2032 in segment Print.
Underbart. Jag såg ett ord jag vill slå ner på Tack-sidan. Men vi samlar allt och ger dig all feedback på en gång så blir det lättare och mer fokuserat. Tusen tack so far. Grymt jobbat. Gonatt!